Sunday, June 28, 2009

this footage was taken 6 weeks before i came home for give it if you are not into crude things, but it was a great prank. enjoy!!

S&J on the way

So i have finally proposed, we our now engaged. we have set the date to be married and sealed on October 24, 2009 @ 11:00 a.m. this picture was taken at one of my companions reception. so there you have it the next step has begun now for the head ache LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

1 STEP, 2 Step, almost done

I said I'd keep you folks who are tuned in, in formed. All that is left to be done is to give Jamiee her ring, propose and get the ball rolling with the wedding plans. stay tuned for more................

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


this just in...... one of the many steps of moving towards getting married is done. i have talked to my folks and they are tickled pink for our marriage. now i need to talk to jamiee's dad, choose ring, and then just do it. stay tooned for next exciting blog and the update on the proposal.

i got it done

this is me and one of my instuctors at horse shoeing school. Tom Wolfe in this picture i just finished shoeing my horse both times i was done bofore they could get a picture of me shoeing so they had to settle for a picture of me and tom B.S ing. your just going to have to believe me i really can shoe even though i have no pictures to prove it